imag·i·nal: of, relating to, or involving imagination, images, or imagery

Friday, September 3, 2010


Yes. It’s one and the same man! The feeling I have when I’m actually recording a song, and it’s coming out the way I visualized it, is one of the best feelings I’ve ever felt in the world. It’s very addictive, and the levels of pineal gland, serotonin, all that, chemicals that are being released, I live for that. It makes it worth going through all the shit. It’s a purpose.'

' Yeah man, it’s all CNN and Fox, it’s all television man, it’s bullshit. The TV densensitises the human brain and the heart, it nullifies human vibration. People believe anything they see on TV, and I try to tell them - the biggest way to educate yourself is to put stamps in your passport. It’s all biased, you have to experience it yourself, you know? I’m beginning to now, and I’m realizing how suppressed the information and truth is to America. I feel bad for us as Americans because the truth is being neglected and filtered. We’re in a vulnerable state because we’re beautiful people, we have a beautiful land, but this freedom we think we have is false. And it’s at the cost of enslaving others on the other side of the planet . . . '

great interview with GONJASUFI

also this

Gonjasufi - The Caliph's Tea Party remix album

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